A Valentine’s Message from the Divine Mother:
I am your Heart and we are One
Will you see me as your lover?
Will you see us as One?
I love you as no other
And will always be there for you
My patience is endless
My ears never tire
I am your nearest and dearest
How far have we got to go to find each other?
Today I am sending you a Valentine
Will you accept my invitation?
I am nearer than you think
I am the most useful friend for you
You my love, you are my Valentine
A Valentine’s Message from the Father of Hearts:
My Beloveds, will you be my Valentine?
My one and only all-together Valentine?
Why not be, and notice your heart being One
Where is our love that once flourished so intensely
Have you seen our fate?
We were left alone for many years
Now we are together, on our way back to unity
I am so looking forward to you, my Valentine
to you my creation, my beloved, you are mine
I am so in love with you human being
Will you be my heart?
Can we be One?
I am looking forward to the time we will be One God
You and I are One
One Love
And so it is
My Valentine
I am your Heart