Heart Wisdom Training

You are invited to train crystal clear discernment between the intensely wise - spot on - loving - thoughts of your true SELF, and the mental thoughts of your ego self. Your life will never be the same. No more dependencies on your emotions, your friends, your guru, your lama, your teacher, your therapist. Free yourself ! Start communicating with your divine real SELF in your heart ! Train with Laetitia Kingsford in Amsterdam in groups or in private sessions
Location: Spiritual Centre De Roos P.C.Hooftstraat-Vondelpark, Amsterdam

Private sessions giving you insights

Insights in your current situation and difficult decisions. Insights come from my Over Self and our God Source.
Also private sessions in Contacting your Higher Self Location for all private sessions: my houseboat in Central Amsterdam. Contact me at 0622874224

Heart Messages

Messages from the Heart
of the Divine Mother


Your freedom lies in affection
Be real
And care for your fellow human beings
Never be alone,
But connect with the Heart of Hearts
that enlightens everything and leaves nobody behind
Let your heart be filled
And radiate like a sun!
Know that you are good
And know that all has been provided
Don’t be indignant about firey issues
that have long be extinguished
Your role is to uplift yourself
in emptiness, in love and in wellbeing
And to see everything as a game
that is trying to distract you from the truth
that is within you:
Total freedom of illusion

With affection,
Your Heart Force